Hey everyone! Hope everyone has had a good summer so far! We have been busy at Mustard Seed; with new clients, new designs and a few other small projects. You may have noticed a new page on our website...Books. It's a stretch from our interior design business but a passion project for sure.
Last year I had the opportunity to create a teaching series for my local church in Elon, NC. Wanting to teach on the Fruit of the Spirit, I couldn't find exactly what I was looking for so I decided to write one. Fast forward to this year and same thing, I had read this great book on Ephesians but didn't have a companion study guide for it. So, I created one. I needed a Bible Study guide to do my daily studies, so I made one. You can see a pattern here, "Necessity is the mother of invention."
I decided to publish and share these books and others with you hoping that it will reach another person in need. Continue to check back as we continue to create and publish, out of necessity or creativity. Not sure which one comes first.